After carefully sneaking bags out the back door so the dogs wouldn’t see them, our team is off to Africa! (No, the dogs weren’t fooled)
After much concern about the size of the bags, I think the final pile was quite reasonable. I left our travelers in search of a check in counter and hoping Emirates has a nice lounge.
They should be wheels up by 6 PM, 14 hours of flying and a few time zones later they arrive Dubai tomorrow at 7 PM. After a half day of sightseeing in Dubai, they fly again to arrive in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Saturday afternoon, the starting point of this grand adventure. They have a couple of days to rest up and free Fang from Customs before they present him on Tuesday to the scrutineers for a pre-race inspection, the green flag drops Wednesday morning. One little pre-race adventure has been added. As a result of complicated import rules in Tanzania we were unable to include any extra oil or brake fluid in the car and group attempt to ship it separately from London has recently failed for all of the cars. This will result in a small mob of foreign motorists prowling the streets of Dar Es Salaam trying to translate things like “5W/30W synthetic motor oil” and “Dot 3 or 4 synthetic brake fluid”. Stay Tuned!
Your Crew Chief, Charlie